EaglercraftX 1.8.8 Offline

The 1.8.8 version of Eaglercraft, made by lax1dude. This is currently the most stable and widely deployed version of Eaglercraft.

Make sure to keep your Offline download in a safe location, such as a USB drive or a folder to keep it safe.

Download (JS, zip)
Download (WASM-GC, zip)

Eaglercraft 1.12.2 Offline

The 1.12.2 Eaglercraft, made by PeytonPlayz585. This version is new and still under development. The JavaScript version is pretty laggy, but if you use WASM-GC its fine.

Check back here regularly for updates if you choose to play it offline!

Download (JS, zip)
Download (WASM-GC, zip)

Eaglercraft Offline

The original 1.5.2 version of Eaglercraft, made by lax1dude. Known for its stability, it is still common due to how easily sites were created back before Mojang took down the original repositories, however it is not as advanced or feature-packed as 1.8.8 or 1.12.2 are.

Download (zip)

EaglerXBungee (1.3.6)

A Bungeecord plugin that runs a Websocket allowing EaglercraftX 1.8 and Eaglercraft 1.12.2 players to join your Java Edition server.

The EaglercraftX Plugin will not work on Spigot and requires a Bungeecord proxy.

Download (jar)